December 1st, 2021
It’s beginning to look a lot like the holidays! Start the season by seeing “A Christmas Carol” at The Little Theatre of Alexandria with friends and family! A timeless tale straight out of a Charles Dickens novel, you’ll enjoy a play that features special effects, Victorian carols, a heartfelt story, and so much more as you sit inside the theatre taking it all in. And, you’ll get to see an entertaining cast bring all your favorite characters in the story to life, from Tiny Tim to Jacob Marley, Bob Cratchit, and, of course, Ebenezer Scrooge.
There will be showings of the play from December 3 – 18, 2021. You can pick the day and time you’d like to attend the event through the calendar featured on their website. Come watch an exciting live performance of the classic “A Christmas Carol” and let it warm your heart this holiday season!